March 17, 2021 UPDATE - Pippy Park/Three Pond Barrens
Happy St. Patrick's Day! For those of you looking to get a ride in before that mild weather hits us, here's the latest on Pippy Park/Three Pond Barrens grooming:
Grooming was completed earlier this morning. There was a lot of drifting in open areas so today's efforts are very welcomed. With the ugly forecast, hopefully you can ride today!

March 14, 2021 UPDATE - Pippy Park/Three Pond Barrens
Sunday afternoon; TPB just completed a 38 km groom. It helped to fill the 'imperfections with fresh snow. As you can see, Firdale was not done because of open water.


The following is a composite report of Saturday and an earlier report this morning. We had asked people not to ride on Sunday, however based on grooming, minus 4 last night and this morning's snow, ride away.
Grooming Report: There were three grooming runs Saturday evening. Conditions will vary. Some exposed areas had significant damage; other routes, notably double track were well packed. - Studded tires will be a necessity. - Conditions are not suitable for skinnies. Firdale is not accessible as the bogs have melted. Furthermore, the hydro line corridor has been torn up by some sort of off road vehicle. Parkers Pond Road is very rough as a result of significant off road vehicle activity. The grooming shown on the map above was done simultaneously by the bravo and the snowdog. The trails below lighter red, was groomed by a polaris with a drag.

Saturday's Grooming Report for Pippy Park:
Lots of grooming this evening and with minus temperatures tonight, we are hopeful good fatbiking conditions tomorrow. Conditions will vary. Some exposed areas had significant damage; other routes, notably double track were well packed and therefore studded tires will be a necessity. Conditions are not suitable for skinnies. Firdale is not accessible as the bogs have melted
NB Although this map shows we groomed Firdale, there is open water. Furthermore, some sort of vehicle has torn up the hydro line right of way.
March 13, 2021 UPDATE - White Hills Trail Network

Volunteer groomers were out this evening just in time before temps dropped! Thanks guys!
White Hills should not have had much traffic before it freezes so should be running well hopefully tomorrow. Fat bikes for sure. Might not be good for skinny again yet. It is highly recommended that studs are used, as there will be many very icy sections. Most everything that has been done this year was groomed tonight, except the top of Old Sam and Foxhole as the exposed areas with little snow cover before the warm weather hit are now bare rock.
March 13, 2021 UPDATE - Richmond Hill Network

Richmond Hill has been groomed and should be in very good shape with the freeze overnight. There was a lot of damage over the last few days but multiple passes took care of the vast majority. Berms are also clear and shaped on SWD thanks to Keith. There is still a lot of snow left and the temps are supposed to stay low for the next few days so get out and ride!!!
March 12, 2021 Update from the Pippy Park/Three Pond Barrens Groomers Co-Op
"The weather is dictating grooming and riding plans for the next few days. In consideration of today’s high temperatures and ~ 0 overnight, along with a tomorrow’s forecast of +4 degrees and sunny, we did not see the benefit of grooming today or tomorrow morning. The forecast for Saturday evening is 0 degrees by 9:00 pm and minus 3 overnight…not what one would call a deep freeze, however, encouraging! The plan is to proceed with two groomers starting at 7:00 Saturday evening. Sunday’s forecast is -3 in the morning, - 2 in the afternoon, with overcast skies. Objective: If we can remediate the trails over the weekend, we should have excellent trails starting next week. (much colder temperatures are forecast starting Monday).
Therefore, we request people not ride on Sunday to allow the trails to ‘set up.’ We are aware there are other users who have every right to use the trails on Sunday, however we ask you to take the lead and find something else to do on Sunday. In other words, “short term pain for long term gain!” AMBA, TPB Groomers Co-Op and Avalon Fatbikers facebook sites will be updated as soon as we are in a position to provide useful updates. Thank you."
March 9, 2021 UPDATE - Pippy Park / Three Pond Barrens
Three Pond Barrens Groomers groomed a new trail, called the Viking Line which is accessible from Snow Route in vicinity of the Viking shack. As shown on the map below, it intersects the hydro line. It will take a while to 'set up,' however you are encouraged to help the process by riding it! In addition, a 'scrape' was done of Frontier which was rough. The scrape, see photo, worked very well. We made three passes which filled in ruts and postholes. It also squared up the profile. The fine tuning will be left to the riders.
The scraper was pulled behind the snowdog. It was used on Soggy Bottom a couple of weeks ago, however this was its first significant application!

March 4, 2021 UPDATE - Richmond Hill Network

Our volunteer groomers another round of Richmond Hill today. Most of it is set up with a light layer of soft snow on top but there are still some sections that are softer and should be avoided. The DH trails are in very good shape but but be aware the route back though the meadow is super soft. Tomorrow should see 3-4 degrees in the afternoon and then cold over night. Hoping to get out while the temps are in the plus range for
March 4, 2021 UPDATE - White Hills Trail Network
Subnet had a couple of passes by the groomers earlier this evening. Subnet and OGXC are good. Most of the main area is fairly firm. Good for fat bikes only with low tire pressure. Crows and foxhole have a lot of soft spots. Particularly the climb after the bridge on Fox Hole. There was also substantial foot post holes in that section. :(
Satan’s and first part of U-190 and foundation climb are hit and miss for soft spots

March 2, 2021 UPDATE - White Hills Trail Network

Groomers managed to groom most everything that has been done this year other than Long Way Around. Should set up well. The main loops should be good pretty well everywhere. Fox Hole and U-190 will have some soft spots from lack of foot traffic and lots of drifting snow.
It's recommended that Fat Bikes only be used fo a day or two at least I would say as there were many areas that have a lot of snow on top of the existing packed tread.

March 2, 2021 UPDATE - Richmond Hill Network

Richmond Hill was groomed earlier. There is a lot of new snow and some big drifts! The groomer was putting down first tracks so it was tough going in places and took a significant amount of time. All main trails were completed, many with multiple passes; however, the groomer didn't get the return trail up through the meadow. Much thanks to Dave and Leslie for their work on the downhills! The shaping and benching is unbelievable! Much of the trail was damp compactable snow but there were still significant areas of softer sections, especially along the Ridgeline. If you chose to ride, please be aware of your tracks and please stay off any soft sections!
FEBRUARY 28, 2021 UPDATE - Richmond Hill Network
Our volunteer groomer managed a groom of the upper Richmond Hill trails this evening. It was slow going because of the massive drifting along the open areas and the top of the Ridgeline. In places, they were taller than the groomer. It will need some more work before it is setup and then rideable but I am hoping to get out again tomorrow when the temps should help compact it better.

FEBRUARY 25, 2021 UPDATE - Richmond Hill Network

Another thorough groom of Richmond Hill was completed this evening. There was very little damage from today except a few big drifts at the backside of the Ridgeline. Trails groomed included Boltcutter, R&R, Panorama, Hydrotower, 3 Bears, Old Trail, Winter Extension, Ridgeline, SWD, YoGuRT, Showgun, Slingshot, RHD, Best of Both Worlds, the Meadow Climb, and Escape Hatch. It should be another epic weekend once it freezes overnight. If you haven't been, give Richmond Hill a go this weekend. You wont be disappointed!
FEBRUARY 25, 2021 UPDATE - White Hills Trail Network
Ideal grooming conditions. The snow compacted very well. If it doesn’t get wrecked before it freezes, it will be fantastic. There will be a fair bit of ice too. Now might be the time to throw on those studded tires!

FEBRUARY 24, 2021 UPDATE - White Hills Trail Network
A caution for both Richmond Hill and White Hills networks - temps are supposed to rise during the day on Thursday and stay above 0 all afternoon and into the evening. It's advisable to stay off both networks until Friday.

White Hills was groomed by our volunteer groomer earlier this evening. Reports are that most trails are in great shape and looks as though it should setup amazing for the weekend after a few degrees below all night (see note above for Thursday conditions, please pay close attention to temps).
It was noted that there was a pretty deep rut left by a user on a non fat bike heading up the new climb and on u-190. We ask you again, that if the trail cannot support the weight of your feet, or your bike (fat bike or non fat bike), please turn around. Most everything other than Bayline should be pretty smooth heading into the weekend.

FEBRUARY 24, 2021 UPDATE - Richmond Hill Network

Richmond has also been groomed by our volunteer groomers this evening. Should set up nicely and in very good shape once it freezes. The trail gnomes have also been up sculpting even more berms and making the pre-existing ones even bigger. Groomers will be in action in Richmond Hill again Thursday evening to repair any damage from users walking on Thursday.
FEBRUARY 17, 2021 UPDATE - Richmond Hill Network

Volunteer groomers were lucky enough to catch the changing temperatures at just the right time earlier this evening. Snow compacted exceptionally well and should set up very quickly this evening. Hopefully, it will be free of traffic until setup is complete. 🤞
The track is in very good shape and all damage from the last few days seems to be erased. It's suspected conditions will be very smooth and fast by morning. Grooming was completed on Boltcutter, Panorama, R&R, Hydrotower, Ridgeline, Old Trail, WT Exension, WT Connector and for those who like their downs, Slingshot and RHD to the service road.
Get out and ride!!
FEBRUARY 17, 2021 UPDATE - White Hills Trail Network

Asked of the groomer - is it good to go for tomorrow (Thursday)? Simple reply "Oh yes!".
Hopefully more days ahead like this one in White Hills a few days ago.

FEBRUARY 15, 2021 UPDATE - Richmond Hill Network

RH was groomed early Sunday evening. Snow seemed to be setting up very well after the snowshoe traffic of the afternoon. It should be good for tires on the ground on Monday, February 15 on all the normal winter routes but care should be taken if any soft spots remain. Slingshot and RHD were also groomed but would most likely not be set up yet.
Thanks to all who snowshoed and shaped the trails!!!
FEBRUARY 13, 2021 UPDATE - White Hills Trail Network

Latest volunteer groomer efforts are in from White Hills. They completed a 15.5 km run which should really setup the network for use for the coming days.
A note on our recent outbreak of the COVID-19 variant. Please be mindful to ride carefully and maintain physical distance from trail users not in your bubble. Weather looks to be great tomorrow. Enjoy.
FEBRUARY 13, 2021 UPDATE - Richmond Hill Trail Network

Volunteer groomers in Richmond Hill managed a couple of laps there this evening including Boltcutter, R&R, Panorama, Hydrotower, 3 Bears, Old Trail, WT Extension, Ridgeline and SWD. The snow is starting to sett up and while it is rideable in sections there are definitely soft areas especially on the Boltcutter side. With some more traffic on Sunday, it should be in excellent shape very soon and it will be fast and smooth 🙂.
Thanks to all the snowshoers, especially those who took the time to shape and clear the berms!!
Hopefully, groomers will get a chance over the next few days to work on Slingshot down to the service road. Snowshoers welcome!
PREVIOUS UPDATE - FEBRUARY 12, 2021 UPDATE - White Hills Trail Network

Volunteer groomers have just completed a 22.4 km run!! Reports are that IF the trail integrity is maintained and the thread is able to harden, conditions will be ALL TIME! It should take a couple days to harden; if you want to help speed up the process feel free to head up for a snowshoe!

Richmond Hill was groomed earlier this evening. There is a lot of new snow with some decent drifting. A few people were kind enough to lay down snowshoe tracks on much of the network. It will definitely take some more snowshoe traffic and grooming to be ready to ride so anybody that has some free time and wants to get outside tomorrow, feel free to make your way to RH. When it hardens, it should be fabulous!!
Please remember that if you are outside this weekend, ensure you are following Provincial Government Health regulations regarding COVID-19. More info here:
Download the COVID-19 alert app here -

Groomer's managed to get out for an extended grooming session early last night (Feb 9) just as the temperature was dropping. Two laps were completed on Hydrotower, Ridgeline, Old Trail, Winter Extension, and Boltcutter. Single laps were made on SWD and R&R. There was more new snow overnight than was expected but the snow was compacting extremely well and with the drop in temperatures over night, Richmond Hill should be rideable today (Wednesday, February 10). Thanks to all who helped through snowshoeing and shoveling berms 🙂
Groomer forgot to start their Strava until part way through the run, so kms groomed would be much closer to 16-18 km.

PREVIOUS UPDATE - FEBRUARY 10, 2021 UPDATE - White Hills Trail Network
Current conditions - borderline not enough snow, conditions marginal, but the good news is that they will improve with the freeze and more snow and fat bike traffic. There are a few post holes evident from users who noticed the groomer track and decided to use it.
A reminder for all networks - If you find yourself breaking through or trenching please do not continue on the trail.

The RH Trail System had an initial groom this evening following today’s snowfall. Snow contained good levels of moisture so it was firming up well and should set up nicely over the next couple of days. Groomers will be returning for another go around tomorrow after work to clean up a few places and pack down any new snow. It should be in prime shape very soon :)
Trails groomed include: Boltcutter, R&R, Hydrotower, Ridgeline, WT (Lower Trail).
Panorama and SWD will be added tomorrow.

With the inbound fresh snow, the trails are going to need time and cold weather to pack down and harden up. It’s a great time to grab the snowshoes and help pack down the snow, boot holes are no fun! Packing the trails with snowshoes also helps the groomers’ machines get through with greater ease, speeding up their grooming efforts. Thanks in advance to everyone for doing your part

White hills was groomed on Sunday, January 31, including the climb to Oceanside and the new climbs we worked on this fall. With the freeze overnight, conditions should be awesome today for snowshoeing, fat biking, and trail running (Feb 1) but please be mindful if you’re leaving ruts or any indentations in the tread.
January 31, 2021 UPDATE - RICHMOND HILL

Richmond Hill trail network was groom Sunday at 5:30 PM. Conditions on Boltcutter, R&R, Hydrotower, Winter Trail (Lower Trail), Ridgeline, SWD, and Winter extension are very good and should be exceptional for fat biking with lower temps overnight. Panorama, which was softer the last few days should harden up nicely as well. For the first time this year we also groomed Slingshot. It too should be good to go tomorrow. Finally, for the first time ever we made a trip with the groomer down RHD, the downhill from the pole line to the service road. It was tough going but with some luck, it may harden overnight. If you choose to try this route, please be careful of any soft spots and do not continue if you are breaking through. We followed the climb up the meadow to return back to Escape Hatch.
Note, as anyone who uses this route back to the top knows, it will be a very tough and sustained climb to ride
Disclaimer: Grooming reports are meant as general updated information. Riders use trails at their own risk. Please practice safe riding and proper etiquette at all times when on trails.
Previous Update - JANUARY 27, 2021 UPDATE - We're currently recommending with today's fairly mild temps that users please wait until later this evening to use the network. Temperatures are plummeting tonight, then look to remain cold. Please avoid or be careful on the trails today and be mindful of any holes or trenches you are creating. If the grooming efforts hold up through tonight, conditions will be amazing for the next few days the little grooming required.
Note from the volunteer groomer:
"Just finished up at subnet again. The mild temps today made for ideal grooming conditions this evening. The snow compacted nicely.
I didn’t notice much in the way of post holes, and any boot marks were erased by the groomer.
It was snowing while I was out, but seemed to be stopping when I finished.
If the temps cooperate, and everything freezes overnight, conditions will be fantastic!"
JANUARY 26, 2021 UPDATE - White Hills is currently too soft for shoes, tires, and boots. Please use snowshoes today /tonight if you are headed up!
Grooming may happen evening of Jan 26 before the temperatures dip later this evening. Looks like a return to cold temps from Wednesday night onwards, so if we keep the trails smooth until then we will have amazing conditions for the weekend.
Thanks again everyone and especially our volunteer groomer(s).
Previous Update - January 25, 2021:
Trail conditions update below. Thank you to the volunteers running grooming equipment as well as to everyone who snowshoed on the weekend! The trails are in great shape.
The following trails are good to go for fat bikes (use low tire pressures), hiking, and trail running:
Subnet - Outer Loop
Subnet - Inner Loop Pt. 1
The following trails should be avoided for hiking and trail running, unless you are wearing snowshoes. Fat bikes are good to go, but please run super low tire pressure:
Crow's Nest
Fox Hole
Old Sam
If you are unsure what trail you are on, use the following guidance:
If you are breaking through the top layer, turn back and find another route
Download the Trailforks app and load the following route, your location will be displayed in real time on your phone:
Thank you to everyone for your continued consideration of other trail users, enjoy! It's beautiful up there.